Brett Hughes

  • BiographyBrett Hughes has starred in 5 video scenes, having appeared for the first time in Muscle Heat around October '98. He has recently acted in Muscle Heat 2 and Jock Stories. Brett was added to My Favorites folder 29 times by our members, and rated 4.778 out of 5 stars with a total of 36 votes. Brett Hughes's most often performed activities include Anal Sex, Hardcore, Handjobs, Guy On Guy, and Blowjobs, and largest portion of his scenes are categorized in Muscle, Mature, and Hunks. Other actors who co-starred together with Brett Hughes are, most notably, Sweet Williams, Max Grand, Jay Huntington, Michael Vista, and Hank McAllister. The content starring Brett was viewed 1,371,050 times, with well over 22.34 Gigabytes of videos having been downloaded.
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